MMK School
Please fill the form below to proceed with booking your child into one of our sessions at MMK.
Please note that each child will need a separate form and booking.
After school clubs
Kindly take note that the schedule for the Autumn term has been updated. All sessions will now run until 5pm, which resulted in a price increase from £9 to £10.
Please see the dates of after school clubs for the upcoming term below.
KS2 Active Sports - Mondays After School - 6/1, 13/1, 20/1, 27/1, 3/2, 10/2, 24/2, 3/3, 10/3, 17/3, 24/3, 31/3, 7/4 (13 sessions)
KS1 Active Sports – Tuesdays after School - 7/1, 14/1, 21/1, 28/1, 4/2, 11/2, 25/2, 4/3, 11/3, 25/3, 1/4 (11 sessions)
BasketBall – Wednesdays after School - 8/1, 15/1, 22/1, 29/1, 5/2, 12/2, 26/2, 5/3, 12/3, 19/3, 2/4 (11 sessions)
Futsal – Thursdays after School - 9/1, 16/1, 23/1, 30/1, 6/2, 13/2, 27/2, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3, 27/3, 3/4 (12 sessions)
MMK Bookings
Please contact us for a discount if you'd like to book more than one club for the same child.